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Ceramic Coating Detail
Ceramic coatings are the leading paint protection coatings on the market today - ultra durable, paint hardening and superb water repellency. This is a great way to maintain vehicles, leaving outstanding results after every wash.
Days Work Package
This package is a day on your drive working on your vehicle to cover all aspects of cleaning, we will discuss your priorities and whether it warrants an interior clean or a combination of the both interior and exterior.
New Car Protection Detail
Full decontamination wash, removing any iron contaminants picked up from factory or transport.
Enhancement Detail
This is a full day working on your vehicle, mainly working on the paintwork or any specific area’s that require attention. The aim is to remove up to 70-80% paint defects, anything that is not repairable will be noted and you will be advised on what we can do to improve or repair.
Deep Clean
This service does exactly what it says on the tin, a complete, in depth and intricate clean.
Lease Return Valet
The complete package that covers every aspect of a return inspection. Saving you money from any excess charges from lease companies.
Once washed and dried, will then go round and do a full inspection taking notes on any scratches, dents or any other cosmetic damage. Will then follow on with a single stage gloss polish. This will fill in and remove any light scratches or swirl marks, whilst adding colour and gloss back into the paintwork.

Interior Clean